What do call center agents do for fun?
What do call center agents do for fun?

Hey, ever wonder what call center agents do when they get off their work? If you are a call center agent or at least know someone who works in a BPO then you would know that the work can be very stressful at times. Handling customers all day long can take its toll on your physical and mental well-being. That is why you often see call center agents engaged in different activities that helps relieve stress. Here is the top 4 list of fun activities that call center agents do for stress relief.
Here is the top 4 list of fun activities that call center agents do for stress relief.

1. Day Drinking
Have you seen bars and pubs near BPO offices that serve alcohol during lunch break? Have you been to a bar at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon and noticed a group of people ordering beer by the bucket while singing karaoke tunes? Chances are those are call center agents enjoying the end of their shift! Since most call center agents go to work at night and their shift ends either early morning or lunch time, they tend to start drinking during the day to alleviate the stress accumulated during work hours. Everyone knows that alcohol is a great way to relieve stress, if you add good food and awesome company then you would definitely understand why call center agents go day drinking even if you consider the fact that drinking during the daytime is not as fun as it seems.

2. Go out on dates
This is especially true with couples who work in the same call center or at least work within walking distance from each other. They say you should never mix your career with your romance but that does not seem applicable to call center agents. Spending time with your loved ones can significantly lower down your stress levels. It also increases your mental and emotional well-being. It is very convenient as well considering the fact that they are already on the same place before the start of their date, they can have more quality time with their partners. This explains why they go on dates after their shift ends.

3. Work out / Play sports.
A significant number of BPO employees are health conscious. They are aware that their work is taking its toll on their bodies. That is why they do what they can to improve their physical health by doing exercise. Some of them choose to go the gym as they are very conscious of how they look to the opposite sex or their partners. They want to stay healthy and look good despite the daily stress of their work. Playing team sports like basketball is another way that call center agents get their exercise. They can do cardio and have fun at the same time bonding with coworkers.

4. Go home and sleep
There is nothing that a good night’s sleep can’t fix and that includes the stress that you get from working! If some people choose to have fun and enjoy life after office hours there are some people like us who prefers spending our free time at home lazing around in bed.
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