- November 21, 2022
- by Orbit Teleservices
7 Things You Should Do to Get Promoted in a BPO Company

You will face a variety of challenges throughout your career. Both new hires and tenured agents struggle with one particular area that seems to create the most confusion, anxiety, and frustration:
How do I get promoted?
It is a question that evokes a depth of emotion, causing intelligent people to question their worth and drawing out insecurities in even the most confident people in the world. So, for you to know more about how to get promoted (if you are working hard but haven’t received any recognition from your boss), here are nine tips to help you.

1. Get around the right people.
The law of association is as powerful as ever. If you really want to become more intelligent, spend time with or be around intelligent people. If you want to be a great operations manager, spend your time with other supervisors, like other team leads, trainers, and quality analysts, and make sure to get their best practices. If you really want to get promoted, then associate with those in your field who have been promoted. They've done something right. Habits rub off. Be intentional about spending time with the very best, and trust that you will become more like them.

2. Stop spending time with the wrong people.
It is equally necessary to consider tip number one’s opposite. Spending time with people who complain most of the time or whine about being unfairly passed over for promotions is likely to make you adopt a victim mentality as well as cause you to languish in no man’s land longer than you wish.

3. Attitude is everything
You may be the most brilliant team leader in the company, but if you are prickly and difficult to work with, then you are certainly adding to the complexity of getting promoted. Central to getting a promotion is the endorsement of your coworkers. If you are arrogant, self-aggrandizing, grumpy, or generally unpleasant, chances are your endorsements will be slow in coming.

4. Communicate
Nobody knows what you are doing better than you do. It is important that you choose an appropriate and effective method of communicating your accomplishments to your manager in a way that suits their style and strategies, not yours. It should be well-written, brief, and, of course, consistent. A few bullet points at the end of each week will go a long way in keeping your boss informed. If your manager does not ask you for weekly status reports, do it anyway. Otherwise, be content to know that your manager has a very limited understanding of your contributions. Remember, limited understanding leads to slow promotions.

5. After you communicate, communicate some more
Many people who take the saying, "My work will always speak for itself," understand that "your work" has a limited vocabulary. Your manager and everyone else in the company are juggling a thousand things, putting out fires, dealing with their own aspirations, and managing the expectations of every one of their direct reports, all of whom want a promotion. Your great work needs a voice and a spokesperson too. (Tip number four above can help.)

6. Participation is highly recommended
Participation is very important if you want to do well. You have got to speak up, participate in meetings, and interact effectively and regularly with your team. If you don’t participate, your coworkers will assume you have nothing to contribute. Those who are perceived as having nothing to contribute generally do not get promoted. It would be better for you not to attend the meeting than to attend and never say a word. It is better to be absent at all than to be physically present but mentally absent. If you truly have nothing to say, then ask yourself why you are attending the meeting at all.

7. Invisibility is great if you are Harry Potter, but it won’t help you get promoted
The promotion process always includes discussions between managers and a comparison of employees to determine who is and isn’t ready for a promotion. If your manager recommends you for a promotion and the other managers do not know who you are, it is going to be difficult to get the necessary endorsement. You may be doing phenomenal work; however, if people do not know who you are, they certainly do not know your work. First, get to know the managers throughout the organization. Make sure that you are visible enough so that when your name comes up, your coworkers know who you are and can speak to the impact of your work.