The 5 best self rewards you can get yourself every payday!
The 5 best self rewards you can get yourself every payday!

If you ask me, You definitely deserve whatever it is that you want to purchase for yourself during payday. It is a reward you give yourself after enduring long work hours and meeting targets and deadlines at work. Doing this also motivates you for the grueling work days ahead until the next payday. Here is a list of things that you can get yourself each payday that will help alleviate the stress that accumulates during the work week.
Here are 5 best self rewards you can get yourself every payday!

1. Shirt / Dress
If you work from home, it’s essential to establish a workspace. Setting up a home office would help you concentrate and just think about your task. So, when you leave your desk, you can focus on anything else in your life. This is the most obvious choice for payday rewards to get yourself. Getting a new shirt is always nice. You get a new outfit you can add to your wardrobe.
Also it helps you with your daily fashion as getting new shirts or dresses keeps you up to date with the latest trends in fashion. You definitely want to look sharp and attractive when you are at work as this helps with your confidence. Keep in mind a confident employee is always a good candidate for promotion. And you definitely don’t want your co workers to remember the outfits you wear multiple times. They will think you wear unwashed clothes lol.

2. Food
Food may be essential as fuel for the body. But good food is fuel for the soul.” Malcom Forbes said it best. Treating yourself to scrumptious delicacies every payday is an unwritten rule for all professionals. Eating good food will help you feel good. This good feeling is something you will definitely look forward to each payday.

3. Nothing
There are some employees that choose to save for the rainy day. That is a good mindset if you ask me. Not indulging yourself during payday can be harder than it looks. Your coworkers organizing dine out parties and drinking sessions. Some will ask you to go out shopping or watch movies and chill. Saying no to these temptations can be stressful. The reason they choose to save their hard earned salaries instead of spending it on themselves is because they value their peace of mind over temporary stress relief.

4. Shoes / Footwear
If there are people who likes new shirts and dresses then there are people who prefer footwear over new wardrobe. Well footwear is generally more expensive compared to shirts and dresses but there are stores that sell cheap sneakers and sandals that you can purchase. There are even shops that sells 2nd hand footwear that are still of good quality that will really look good when you coordinate your outfit properly.

5. Hobbies
All work and no play makes for a very stressful life. Almost everyone has a hobby or two that helps them relax and gives them joy. So it is no surprise that some people spend substantial amounts of money for their hobbies and interest. Hobbies definitely help lessen stress that accumulate from work and it is a great way to spend your free time after work. It also helps develop skills and talents that may be beneficial for your daily tasks at work.
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